Hampson, 1901; Cat. Lepid. Phalaenae Br. Mus. 3: 72, pl. 36, f. 2; 1314. Cissura plumbea, n. sp. (Plate XXXVI. fig. 2.) Cissura decora, Druce, Biol. Centr.-Am., Het. ii. p. 399 (nec WI1k.). Female. Head and thorax leaden grey; Ist joint of palpi, part of 2nd, upper edge of patagia, pectus, coxee, and abdomen crimson. Fore wing leaden grey; a crimson subcostal fascia from base to apex, where it joins a costal fascia arising bevond middle; a fascia from base to termen below apex, the crimson on costa being continued round the apex to meet it. Hind wing fuscous grey, the area below the cell paler. Hab. Br. Honvuras, Belize, 1 9 type. Hap. 42 millim. Seitz: C. plumbea Hmps. (= decora Drc. nec Wkr.) (43 e) resembles decora, the proximal margin and costa of the forewing is not red, but the two longitudinal stripes of the forewing are united in the apex. Besides the thorax is above marked brown. Peru.